How to Declutter Your Desk in 10 Minutes

Most of us spend a good chunk of our workday lost in the digital world—digging through emails, jumping between browser tabs, or endlessly scrolling through search results.

We’ve mastered the chaos because there’s a method to it. Need to find that email from last year? It might take a minute, but it’s there.

Notes app looking like a jumbled mess? No worries—there’s always the search function to save the day.

But when it comes to our actual, physical workspace? That’s a different story. Papers pile up, coffee cups multiply, and before you know it, your desk looks more like a disaster zone than a place to get work done.

Enter National Clean Off Your Desk Day—a reminder that a clutter-free space can actually make your workday smoother (and your brain feel less overwhelmed).

So why not take a few minutes to clear the mess and join the ranks of your tidier coworkers? Here’s a quick and easy way to refresh your desk in just 10 minutes!

Declutter Your Desk

Declutter Your Desk

A cluttered desk can slow you down, stress you out, and make even the simplest tasks feel overwhelming. The good news? You don’t need hours to fix it. In just 10 minutes, you can transform your messy workspace into an organized, distraction-free zone. Here’s how:

Step 1: Sort the Clutter into Three Categories

Think of this like tidying up your email inbox—just with more paper and fewer unread messages. The goal? To create order out of chaos. And the easiest way to do that is by breaking everything down into three simple piles:

đŸ”č Trash – Anything you don’t need, use, or even recognize? It goes straight in the bin. No second-guessing.

đŸ”č Keep – The essentials: documents, office supplies, and anything you use regularly. These will stay, but in a more organized way.

đŸ”č Not Sure – This is for the random items you might need—like that mystery charger or the pile of business cards you swore you’d organize.

Once you’ve sorted everything, immediately toss the trash. Move the Not Sure pile to a separate box so it’s not in your way. Now, let’s tackle the Keep pile

Step 2: Sort Your Essentials by Use and Importance

It’s easy to toss all your office supplies into one drawer and call it a day. But how often do you find yourself digging through a sea of paper clips just to grab a pen?

Instead, organize your workspace based on what you reach for the most. If sticky notes are your go-to for jotting down quick ideas, keep them in the most accessible drawer along with your favorite pens and a notepad you use regularly.

From there, arrange everything else by frequency of use. Items you rarely touch should go in the lowest drawer or the one farthest from your main work zone.

Keep your desk as clutter-free as possible. The only exceptions? Pens can stay out—but only if they’re in a holder, not rolling around everywhere.

And if you actually use your planner or desk calendar every day, it can stay visible. But if it’s just for an occasional glance, tuck it into a top drawer instead.

A clear desk means a clear mind. Less clutter equals fewer distractions, helping you stay focused and productive for longer.

Step 3: Store and Organize Essential Paperwork

Some documents—like tax records, insurance policies, and job-related paperwork—rarely see the light of day, but they’re still important. Instead of letting them clutter your space, assign a dedicated drawer in your desk for these must-keep papers.

For now, just place everything neatly inside. The key is to keep them all in one place. But before you wrap up today, schedule a reminder to go through them properly. Pick a time that makes sense—Friday afternoons before logging off for the weekend work well.

When the time comes, sort everything into categories, label folders, and make sure you can quickly find what you need later.

Step 4: Declutter, Digitize, and Toss the Rest

Now, let’s deal with the random paper piles—receipts, business cards, and sticky notes. If you have to submit physical receipts for work expenses, grab an envelope or file folder and put them all inside.

Paperclip related receipts together, and if you need to jog your memory later, jot down a quick note about what each expense was for.

If you don’t need to keep paper receipts, go digital. Use an app to track them instead. Apps like Wave or QuickBooks Self-Employed make it easy, but there are plenty of options to explore.

The same goes for business cards. Instead of letting them pile up, add contacts to your phone manually or use an app to scan them—Evernote, for example, has a handy business card scanning feature. Once everything is saved, recycle or shred the physical copies.

Step 5: Wipe It All Down

Now that your desk and drawers are clutter-free, it’s time to tackle the actual cleaning. The good news? This step is quick and easy.

A few paper towels and some basic cleaning supplies are all you need. A spritz of Windex works wonders on most surfaces, leaving them spotless in seconds.

Got smudges on your computer screen? A microfiber cloth and some glasses cleaner will make it look brand new.

Step 6: Bring in Some Greenery

I know—you just cleared off your desk, and now I’m telling you to put something back on it. But hear me out: A small plant won’t add to the mess.

In fact, studies show that having greenery in your workspace can boost productivity and improve focus.

A low-maintenance plant like a succulent or a small pothos adds a touch of life to your space without requiring much effort.

Plus, now that your desk is spotless, you’ll actually appreciate how good it looks with a little greenery.

Step 7: Pick a “Desk Reset Day”

Remember those chore charts from when you were a kid? Maybe Saturdays were for tidying your room, Sundays for helping with laundry.

Well, think of this as the grown-up version. Choose a specific day each week to give your desk a quick refresh—wiping it down, organizing papers, and putting everything back in its place.

Friday afternoons are a great option since it means you’ll return to a clean desk on Monday. A few extra minutes at the end of the week can make a big difference in keeping your workspace tidy and stress-free.

Step 8: Make End-of-Day Cleanups a Habit

There’s nothing better than walking into a clutter-free workspace every morning. So, from now on, make it a rule: Never leave for the day without tidying up your desk.

Take a minute to throw away any trash, wipe away dust or crumbs, and neatly arrange your keyboard and supplies.

It’s a small habit, but your future self will appreciate starting the day with a clean, organized space instead of yesterday’s mess.

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Final Thoughts

Decluttering your desk doesn’t have to take hours. In just 10 minutes, you can transform your workspace into an organized and productive zone.

Start by sorting items into categories, organizing by usage, and digitizing when possible. Keeping your desk clean and organized not only improves focus and productivity but also reduces stress.

With a quick weekly reset and a few small habits, your workspace will remain a clutter-free zone, allowing you to start each day with a fresh, clean slate.

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Caroline Castrillon
Caroline Castrillon

I'm a career coach dedicated to helping professionals escape their soul-sucking corporate.

I am a writer for the organization 'Hacks Lifestyle'. I'm sharing life hacks, career, productivity, student life and money saving hacks from my years of experience. Let's make life better and easier together!

Thank you for being with me.😊

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